work performed under the employment of Madwire Media
Claddagh Friesians:
date: April 2012
The Claddagh Friesians logo project was a different type of design for me. With a subdued color spectrum and an odd original concept from the client. I designed three logos for them, but feel this one, which ignored their ideas, had the best overall look and features. It was never used, but is worth showing here.
work performed under the employment of Madwire Media
Konzept Autohaus:
date: February 2011
The Konzept Autohaus logo was designed on the fly as I built their website. They had a logo concept, but I basically ignored that and made a sample logo that ended up becoming their brand. I like the iconic elements, the edge and boldness, and the lack of revisions. If it were only always this easy to build a logo.
work performed under the employment of Madwire Media
Elite Engineering:
date: May 2012
The Elite Engineering logo was another project where a provided concept got in the way of aesthetic design. I did a variety of logos for them, but feel this is the only one with strong points. I do like the icon, and feel this concept may have had potential.
work performed under the employment of Madwire Media
Lighthouse Ready:
date: September 2011
There were numerous versions of different logos provided for the Lighthouse Ready project. I personally did three but I liked this one the most. It's not simple, exactly, but is not overly complex either. A non-typical design for me, but one I still have learned to appreciate.
live - breathe - dream - art