The Spiral Underground :: Even a tomb can be breathtaking...
The Underground is place to house my darker, non-profit artistry, and random written work.
The Underground is place to house my darker, non-profit artistry, and random written work.
Beauty can be found in all things, both of darkness and light...
Since my youth I have been into artwork and writing. My earliest inspirations were non-typical of others my age... HR Giger and Stephen King are masters of their crafts, regardless of the genre they attract, and I have always seen beauty in their work. Everyone has their own vision of perfection, but the eye of the beholder is ever-inspired by the hand of the artist. I use the Underground as a vault for my older and darker work. I do little of this anymore, but it is where I came from.
Dark Artistry and Aesthetic Alchemy :: by David Bettger.
Visit the Underground Today! See where my artwork began, and the beauty of the road less traveled.
Visit the Underground Today! See where my artwork began, and the beauty of the road less traveled.
© David Bettger 2011. All rights reserved.
live - breathe - dream - art
live - breathe - dream - art